We sincerely welcome you to the School of Earth and Environmental Sciences (SEES), educational and research institute of Seoul National University.

The Head of SEES, SNU KangKun Lee
The School of Earth and Environmental Sciences conducts education and research regarding the interactions between components of the solid earth, atmosphere, and ocean. The departments of Atmospheric Science, Geological Sciences, and Oceanography came together to form this united school. Earth and Environmental Sciences utilize a basis of pure science for interdisciplinary study of multiple aspects of the earth. As of now, 37 full-time faculty, nearly 60 researchers including postdoctoral researchers, almost 200 graduate and 150 undergraduate students and the administrative staff are with us. To maximize efficiency, we have three broad majors; atmospheric science, earth system science, and oceanography along with 10 reaearch groups for cooperative and creative studies.
We, in earth and environmental sciences, are interested in understanding the motion of the earth's elements, our natural environments, and their changes. Our beautiful earth and its environment is an object of research that is closely related to our daily living. The entire earth is our field of experimentation. We strive to uncover its interesting features and make efforts to elucidate why they are as they are. Our research enriches life and promotes the welfare of mankind by forecasting hazardous phenomena such as particulate matter, typhoons, storms, droughts, earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, tsunami, red tides, and pollution. Climate change, as we know, is a central research theme in earth and environmental sciences, which threatens diversity of life on the earth’s surface. Earth and environmental sciences, inseparable from our daily existence, is a pinnacle of science founded on all disciplines of pure sciences.
In order to understand and solve the variety of issues concerning our dynamic and sensitive earth's environment, we analyze and investigate the earth's elements with a multi-disciplinary perspective. In line with the international trend of education and research, we conduct comprehensive research on the lithosphere, atmosphere, hydrosphere, biosphere, and cryosphere as well as do our best to cultivate competent experts in these fields. Our talented graduates are highly respected domestically as well as overseas. Our faculty also strives to excel and be more creative in research and education. In particular, the success of our BK(Brain Korea)21 program played a crucial role to elevate the international stature of our program. Spurred by this, we aim to be recognized internationally for our excellence in comprehensive and interdisciplinary education and as a leading institution in creative and innovative research. With this vision and enthusiasm, we are making a world-renowned program in Earth and Environmental Sciences.
Come and visit us to see our passion in action, and experience what it means by becoming a part of the School of Earth and Environmental Sciences. Do not hesitate to contact us via phone or email [☎ Contact Us] if you want to learn more about our education and research programs. Thank you for your interest in our program. SEES!