[대기] [6.29(수)] 대기과학세미나 안내 (Prof. Yi Ming)

관리자l 2022-06-29l 조회수 120
일시 : 2022-06-29(수) 15:00 ~ 16:30
연사 : Prof. Yi Ming
소속 : NOAA/GFDL/Princeton University
문의 : 02-880-6723
장소 : 501동 504호(세미나실)
Toward Answering Some Leading Climate Science Questions by Constraining Models with Observations

Much of climate research is built around climate models for understandable reasons. Yet, as a model developer and user, I see a common fallacy of putting blind trust in models, or in other words, taking model results simply at face value. Climate models are bound to be uncertain in many aspects for good, physical reasons. Furthermore, when models give different answers, the most common response is that we need more models, and let us average them up. Although there is indeed value in ensemble means, I personally do not think that they are the way out especially when many models are closely related. To me, the key to answering many leading climate questions lies in using observations to constrain models. I will use a few of my recently published works to substantiate the claim.
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